Saturday, December 6, 2008

try and find the MXR Classic Distortion

MXR has a guitarcenter exclusive pedal for $29. There's no info about it on the guitarcenter or dunlop websites. I'd already have one with my birthday money(thanks grandma and grandpa!) but its really hard to find, its not even available at most GC locations.
EDIT. Ive been to 3 guitarcenters now and none of them had it. I even had this $10 gift certificate they mailed me, it expired. I hate hate hate that place, all music stores that carry new stuff. Everyone uses their stuff anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I got lucky with mine; someone had retunred in the day before. I bought it on the spot. I hear they are exactly the same as an MXR distortion III, but who knows. Those are like $80 anyway (though they were on sale for $30 as well). Keep looking!
