Friday, May 29, 2009

the rebellion is on

Monday, May 25, 2009

This is my bass.

I'm kind of new to the bass world, so I didn't want anything special. I spent a whole day cleaning it up and getting it in this condition. It works but the neck still needs some adjustments and a then I need working pickup but other than that its bass fest.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

tascam 424mkII repair for common problems.

This is my favorite machine by far. There are machines with more tracks but the preamps and headphone amps make a good match on this one. And the pitch knob is really useful. You can get the 424s cheap and sometimes broken condition. Common fixable problems are A) that it wont turn on or B) wont play the tape.

A)If it wont turn on, if you have to find another machine that can turn on but has some other strange problems. the power section is very easily removed from both units ( even without soldering if i remember correctly). Swap the power supplies like I did in the pictures, WARNING some of these parts obviously store serious charges so give it a day unplugged before you go poking around in there.

B)Then my favorite fix is when the unit wont play the tape. Its so stupidly easy to fix. Open it up and there is literally a rubber band that will fall out of place from time to time. So easy and so common, this alone can put the unit in "as is" condition, saving you half the price.

Then finally if you must test the mix board without breaking out any instruments, you can use a patch cable from effect send one, and connect it to the 4 inputs on the mixer, turn the effect one send knob and watch the lights go up and down to your satisfaction.

Sometimes it will fail to record or playback form the tape, this is a problem of cheap tape, really cheap tape like the 120minutes low bias type. You need to use at most 60minutes or high bias type.

Another common problem is that these mixer lights stop working one by one, mine has no level indicator for track two.

Currently Im still kindof looking for a power section cause I broke it again by leaving the unit on all night while I fell asleep recording.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

mutron biphasor, finally got to play one of these things.

They've got one at my favorite local momnpop music shop. I didn't even bother to inquire the price, they go for $1000+ sometimes. It is amazing, there is about a dozen different ways to route with those few knobs. series, parallel, asyncronized, syncronized inverse, there is big difference in all the settings. my favorite part is the squarewave generator can get really slow and its not really square its more of a mutated sinewave with really long peaks and dips. this thing is great im sure its kind of annoying for audiences though.